Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- This week: Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Wed Sep 1, 6:15pm. NPU-S Land Use Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
- all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
- all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
- and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
Karen Babino, Chair: land@npu-s.org. 770-912-3922 cell
The Land Use Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm- Video: https://zoom.us/j/99268781798
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798 - One tap mobile +13126266799,,99268781798#
- Phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798
- Sat Sep 4, 11:00am. Friends of John A White - Park cleanup. John A White Outdoor Pool, 1101 Cascade Cir SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA.
Join Friends of John A. White park for a cleanup and meet & greet! Learn about upcoming projects in JAWP and how you can be part of the Friends of John A. White Park group!
For more information contact Dawn Brown at dawn@friendsofjohnawhitepark.org - Sat Sep 4, 1:00pm. Policy Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the citywide Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board;
- all matters related to the NPU's official policies and positions on internal, citywide, and regional issues;
- and all matters related to the relationship of the NPU with its neighboring NPUs, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
Morgan Cooper, Chair: policy@npu-s.org
The Policy Committee meets every 1st Saturday at 1pm:- Video: https://zoom.us/j/99641762467.
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467 - Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467
(One tap mobile +16465588656,,99641762467# US)
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Mon Aug 30, 2:00pm. Rental Awareness Webinar. Urban League weekly webinar on tenancy responsibilities and obligations. HUD-certified counselors and financial coaches are on staff to provides comprehensive counseling services. Know your rights and options! Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q1HuJTSAQ8OcintiyH6tpA
- Wed Sep 1, 12:00am. Financial Focus Webinar. Urban League hosted "Lunch and Learn" on building a good credit history. Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_e_qudpiITE6HFtTIg-moDA
- Wed Sep 1, 7:00pm. NPU-R. Remote: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83595037850
Meeting ID: 835 9503 7850
One tap mobile dial: +16465588656,,83595037850#
NPU R is comprised of the neighborhoods of- Adams Park
- Campbellton Road
- Fort Valley
- Greenbriar
- Laurens Valley
- Pamond Park
- Southwest
- Fri Sep 3, 5:00pm. Financial Freedom Fridays. Urban League webinar focusing on budgeting, savings, and financial health. Build healthy financial habits and reach your financial goals. Register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1XNxVoQYTG682ckOWVyyAQ
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org.Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!