NPU-S Calendar of Events: Nov 29 - Dec 5

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon Nov 29 - Fri Dec 3. No Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Wed Dec 1, 6:15pm. NPU-S Land Use Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
- all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
- all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
- and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
Karen Babino, Chair: 770-912-3922 cell
The Land Use Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm- Video:
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798 - One tap mobile +13126266799,,99268781798#
- Phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798
- Sat Dec 4, 1:00pm. Policy Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the citywide Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board;
- all matters related to the NPU's official policies and positions on internal, citywide, and regional issues;
- and all matters related to the relationship of the NPU with its neighboring NPUs, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
Morgan Cooper, Chair:
The Policy Committee meets every 1st Saturday at 1pm:- Video:
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467 - Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467
(One tap mobile +16465588656,,99641762467# US)
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Wed Dec 1, 7:00pm. NPU-R. Remote:
Meeting ID: 835 9503 7850
One tap mobile dial: +16465588656,,83595037850#
NPU R is comprised of the neighborhoods of- Adams Park
- Campbellton Road
- Fort Valley
- Greenbriar
- Laurens Valley
- Pamond Park
- Southwest
- Thu Dec 2, 11:00am. MARTA Bus Network Redesign Meeting. MARTA needs your help to re-imagine your bus network and better serve you in the future.
- Dial In: 929-205-6099 Access Code: 988 0711 9277
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!No Solid Waste Pickup on Thanksgiving - pickup delayed one day for Thursday, Friday pickups
Just a reminder - solid waste will not be picked up on Thanksgiving. All Thursday pickups will be postponed to Friday, and all Friday pickups will by postponed to Saturday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
$100 Vaccination Incentive - Fulton County
From Fulton County:
Beginning Tuesday, November 16, 2021 through Saturday December 4, 2021, Fulton County residents will be eligible to receive $100 gift cards after receiving their COVID-19 vaccine at select sites. The incentive is available only to Fulton County residents, ages 5 and up, seeking their first or second doses of COVID-19 vaccine.The incentives will be funded by Fulton County using American Rescue Plan Act funding, and offered to Fulton County residents at three vaccination sites operated through the Fulton County Board of Health and the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency.
Vaccination locations include:
5710 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA 30349
4700 North Point Parkway, Alpharetta GA 30305
Emma Darnell Aviation Museum & Conference Center (formerly the Aviation Community Cultural Center), 3900 Aviation Circle, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336
All sites will be open Tuesday through Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 404-613-8150 or by following this link:
Magistrate Court R.E.A.C.H. Clinic provides help with Consumer Cases
What: The R.E.A.C.H. Clinic provides free, limited legal navigation to people with cases in the Magistrate Court of Fulton County. Our clinic gives our community an opportunity to speak with licensed attorneys, law students, and other staff. Individuals with questions about small claims, garnishments, and private warrant applications may use the clinic for help navigating their case, completing forms, and understanding court procedure. R.E.A.C.H. Clinic staff cannot provide legal advice and Clinic services do not replace the advice of an attorney.
When: R.E.A.C.H. Clinic staff are available for appointments Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. To schedule an appointment, call 404-613-9071, email, or visit
Where: The Judicial Resource Center, 185 Central Avenue, SW, 7th floor, Atlanta, GA 30303.
Why: This is another way the Magistrate Court of Fulton County prioritizes customer service and lives into our mission to Inform, Engage, and Empower Our Community.
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Nov 22 - Nov 28

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon Nov 22, 0:00am. Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Tue Nov 23, 6:30pm. Oakland City Community Organization (OCCO).
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 830 3920 3137
Passcode: 30310
One tap mobile +13017158592,,83039203137#,,,,*30310#Or dial: +1 301 715 8592
Enter Meeting ID: 830 3920 3137
Enter Passcode: 30310
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
No events on calendar
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
- Wed Nov 24, 5:30pm. MILRA CES Meeting . Fort Mac LRA - Community Engagement Subcommittee Meeting (CES) - via Zoom 5:00 PM-7:00 PM 2021.06.23 Fort Mac LRA CES Meeting Notice 6.23.21 Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 839 7416 1223Passcode: 991479 One tap mobile+13017158592,83644249830#
Thanksgiving Food Giveaway - Tuesday 11/23 1pm-5pm
Courtesy of Tyler Perry and Councilmember Joyce Sheperd. This is for City of Atlanta and East Point residents only:
Virtual Meetings on MARTA Bus Network Redesign
Westridge/Sandtown meeting connection update
For all folks who are planning to attend Saturday's Westridge/SandtownVenetian Hills meeting, the meeting has changed over from Google Meet to Zoom. The updated connection information is:
- Zoom:
- Dialin: (312) 626-6799 / Meeting ID 842 7102 4847
NPU-S General Meeting tonight, Thursday Nov 18, 7pm (with NPU Officer Elections)
The NPU-S General Meeting will be held this Thursday, November 18, at 7pm.
To register, either go online to or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
If you are attending via Zoom you must register with a valid email address! The registration system will send you an email with your personal link to the meeting.
You can call into the meeting if you wish to attend without using Zoom. To attend the meeting by phone, call (646) 558 8656, meeting ID 993 2987 4388. We encourage phone attendees to also register!
This month we'll have a two voting items joined together, a zoning application and an accompanying CDP change:
- Z-21-107/CDP-21-063 Applicant seeks to rezone the property from the R-4A (Single-family residential, minimum lot size .17 acres) zoning designation to the MR-2 (Multi-family residential, maximum floor area ratio of .348) zoning designation for the construction a mixed-income development.
- City of Atlanta Department of Parks and Recreation: Activate ATL
Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents can be found on
Correction: Free Workshop Dec 8: Estate Planning for Homeowners
An earlier post had an incorrect link to register for the Estate Planning workshop. Our apologies! The corrected link is below.
From Grandmama's House:
Join us for a free virtual workshop on the importance of estate planning for homeowners and how to avoid problems when you inherit property.
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Nov 15 - Nov 21

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon - Fri. No Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Tue Nov 16, 7:00pm. Beecher-Donnelly community association meeting. 1191 Donnelly Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA.
- Wed Nov 17, 6:00pm. Cascade Ave Neighborhood Organization (CANO) (Online). Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 979 8722 6201
Call In 312-626-6799, access code, 97987226201# - Wed Nov 17, 7:00pm. Assistant Services Committee Meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to special programs and services for senior citizens, including but not limited to housing and home repairs, financial assistance programs, and social services;
- all matters related to education, including but not limited to primary and secondary education, adult education, parent-teacher relationships, and after-school programs and activities;
- and all matters related to the youth of the NPU.
Ruby Simmons, Chair:
The Assistant Services Committee meets every third Wednesday at 6:30 pm.- Video: Passcode: 964881 Meeting ID: 921 3060 3409.
- One tap mobile. +16465588656,,92130603409# US (New York)
- Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting ID: 921 3060 3409.
- Thu Nov 18, 7:00pm. NPU-S General Meeting. Our monthly community meeting! Find out what's happening in your neighborhood and let the City know what you think.
To attend over videoconferencing, you must register beforehand at
Otherwise, you can call in at
Phone: (646) 558 8656
Meeting ID: 993 2987 4388
Supporting documents, including the agenda, can be found at - Sat Nov 20, 10:00am. Westridge-Sandtown Community Organization Meeting. By video: By phone: +1 747-202-2723 password 942081556. Covers the Westridge, Sandtown and Venetian Hills neighborhoods
- Sat Nov 20, 4:30pm. Lorenzo Drive Block Association Meeting. Teleconference: (978) 990-5162 Access Code: 6673530#.
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Wed Nov 17, 7:00pm. NPU-I. Zoom - To join the remote meeting, click here. Dial-In: 301-715-8592, access code, 92613332610#. Meeting ID: 926 1333 2610 Passcode: 905252.
NPU I is comprised of the neighborhoods of:- Audobon Forest
- Audobon Forest West
- Beecher Hills
- Cascade Heights
- Chalet Woods
- Collier Heights
- East Ardley Road
- Florida Heights
- Green Acres Valley
- Green Forest Acres
- Harland Terrace
- Horseshoe Community
- Ivan Hill
- Magnum Manor
- Peyton Forest
- West Manor
- Westhaven
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
- Sat Nov 20, 10:00am. APAB General meeting. Zoom, register at
Early Voting Starts Nov 17!
On Monday, November 8, the Fulton County Board of Registration & Elections certified the results from the November 2 Municipal Elections.
Voters in the cities of Atlanta, Fairburn, Milton, Roswell and South Fulton will participate in a runoff election on November 30.VOTER REGISTRATION:
The voter registration deadline for the November 30 runoff election was October 4.
Early voting for the runoff Election will begin on Wednesday, November 17 and continue through Wednesday, November 24 at 16 Fulton County locations. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, including Saturday & Sunday.
The deadline to request an absentee ballot for the November 30 election will be Friday, November 19. Voters who requested an absentee ballot for the November 2 election must submit a new request for an absentee ballot for the runoff.
For information go to
For this election, five absentee ballot drop boxes will be available. As a reminder, drop boxes are now located inside early voting locations and available only during hours when early voting sites are open. The last day to use the absentee ballot drop boxes will be Wednesday, November 24.
All absentee ballots must be returned by the time polls close on Election Day. Voters may return absentee ballots at the three Registration & Election offices (Deadline: 8 p.m. for City of Atlanta voters; 7 p.m. for all other voters).
On Election Day, Tuesday, November 30, voters must report to their assigned polling place. Go to to verify your polling place.
Voting hours on Election Day will be 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the City of Atlanta, and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in all other cities.
Download the FREE Fulton Votes app or visit
Free Workshop Dec 8: Estate Planning for Homeowners
From Grandmama's House:
Join us for a free virtual workshop on the importance of estate planning for homeowners and how to avoid problems when you inherit property.
Updated: link corrected.
Free Online Expungement Workshop November 16, 2021 @ 10 AM
Have you been denied housing, employment or discriminated due to your background? | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
Free Smart Thermostats Distributed Metropolitan Library
- Wednesday, November 17, 2021 4:00pm - 6:00pm
- Metropolitan Library (1332 Metropolitan Parkway SW, Atlanta, GA 30310)
- Limit 1 thermostat per household
Starting Tuesday, November 9, 2021, the Fulton County Board of Health (FCBOH) and the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency (AFCEMA) will begin providing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to children between the ages of 5 and 11 years of age. The vaccinations will be available at four fixed locations stretching the length of Fulton County.
The move comes after the FCBOH and other Georgia Department of Public Health districts received the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for immunizations for school age populations.
Those existing vaccination locations include:
All locations will be closed on Thursday, November 11, 2021 for Veterans' Day.
- Fulton County Government Center, 141 Pryor Street SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
- 5710 Stonewall Tell Road, College Park, GA 30349
- 4700 North Point Parkway, Alpharetta GA 30305
- Emma Darnell Aviation Museum & Conference Center (formerly the Aviation Community Cultural Center), 3900 Aviation Circle, NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30336
Appointments are required and can be made by calling 404-613-8150 or by following this link:
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Nov 8 - Nov 14

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon-Fri. Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Mon Nov 8, 7:00pm. Beecher Hills Community Association. BUZZ Coffee and Winehouse, 2315 Cascade Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 9795 6397
Dial-In 646-558-8656, access code,96697956397# - Tue Nov 9, 6:30pm. Graymont Drive Neighborhood Association. 1-978-990-5490 182 9403# Access Code
- Thu Nov 11, 6:30pm. NPU-S Quality of Life Committee Meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to social services, health care, police, and fire protection;
- all matters related to recreation, parks, libraries, and cultural affairs;
- and all matters related to a pleasant and healthful environment, including, but not limited to: sanitary services, water and sewer facilities and services, and noise quality.
The Quality of Life Committee meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm- Video:
Meeting ID: 996 0988 2969 - Phone: +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 996 0988 2969
- Sat Nov 13, 10:00am. WAWA: Service Saturdays. Outdoor Activity Center, 1442 Richland Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA. Registration required: WAWA 404 752 5385
- Sat Nov 13, 2:00pm. Bush Mountain Community Organization. West Oakland Missionary Baptist Church, 1025 Violet St SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA.
Join Zoom Meeting
Call in:
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 891 6283 2077 - Sun Nov 14, 4:45pm. Executive Committee meeting. The NPU is guided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Officers, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and a representative for each qualifying Neighborhood Organization.
The Executive Committee meets every second Sunday of the month at 4:45 pm.- Video:
Meeting ID: 995 3158 9760 - Phone: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 995 3158 9760
- Video:
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Mon Nov 8, 7:00pm. NPU-V. (location varies).
NPU V comprises the neighborhoods of- Adair Park
- Capitol Gateway
- Mechanicsville
- Peoplestown
- Pittsburgh
- Summerhill
Meeting ID: 992 1132 0112
Dial-In 646-558-8656, access code, 99211320112# - Tue Nov 9, 11:00am. MARTA Bus Network Redesign Meeting. Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA, 2220 Campbellton Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA.
- Tue Nov 9, 6:00pm. MARTA Bus Network Redesign Meeting. Andrew & Walter Young Family YMCA, 2220 Campbellton Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA.
- Wed Nov 10, 7:00pm. NPU-T. Lee & White Street Community Room, 1000 White St SW. NPU T Comprises the neighborhoods of
- Ashview Heights
- Atlanta University Center
- Harris Chiles
- Just Us
- The Villages at Castleberry Hill
- West End
- Westview
Meeting ID: 881 8388 4978 Password: 144796
Or call: 16465588656,,88183884978#
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
Atlanta City Council Authorizes Agreement to Establish Center for Diversion and Services
The Atlanta City Council approved legislation Monday to authorize the mayor to execute an intergovernmental agreement with Fulton County to create and establish the Center for Diversion and Services (Legislative Reference No. 21-R-4118).
The Center for Diversion and Services would be established to provide care and services as an alternative to incarceration for those experiencing poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, or mental health issues. The center would help reduce the overall population at the Atlanta City Detention Center and Fulton County Jail. The agreement is for a term of two years and may be renewed annually upon mutual agreement of the parties.
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Nov 1 - Nov 7

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon-Sat. No Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Wed Nov 3, 6:15pm. NPU-S Land Use Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
- all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
- all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
- and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
Karen Babino, Chair: 770-912-3922 cell
The Land Use Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm- Video:
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798 - One tap mobile +13126266799,,99268781798#
- Phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798
- Sat Nov 6, 11:00am. Friends of John A White - Park cleanup. John A White Outdoor Pool, 1101 Cascade Cir SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA.
Join Friends of John A. White park for a cleanup and meet & greet! Learn about upcoming projects in JAWP and how you can be part of the Friends of John A. White Park group!
For more information contact Dawn Brown at - Sat Nov 6, 1:00pm. Policy Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the citywide Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board;
- all matters related to the NPU's official policies and positions on internal, citywide, and regional issues;
- and all matters related to the relationship of the NPU with its neighboring NPUs, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
Morgan Cooper, Chair:
The Policy Committee meets every 1st Saturday at 1pm:- Video:
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467 - Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 996 4176 2467
(One tap mobile +16465588656,,99641762467# US)
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Mon Nov 1, 2:00pm. Rental Awareness Webinar. Urban League weekly webinar on tenancy responsibilities and obligations. HUD-certified counselors and financial coaches are on staff to provides comprehensive counseling services. Know your rights and options! Register at
- Wed Nov 3, 7:00pm. NPU-R. Remote:
Meeting ID: 835 9503 7850
One tap mobile dial: +16465588656,,83595037850#
NPU R is comprised of the neighborhoods of- Adams Park
- Campbellton Road
- Fort Valley
- Greenbriar
- Laurens Valley
- Pamond Park
- Southwest
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!