Join us for Black History MonthWest Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA) is proud to host a month of programming highlighting people of the African diaspora and their cultural connections to stewarding the earth. Our programs cover religion and nature, rest and fugivity, Harriet Tubman's early years, Gullah foodways, a gathering for Black professionals, and much more! Check out our full schedule of events and register to join us for Black History Month 2023!HooDoo's Kitchen WorkshopFebruary 2 (LINK)In Hoodoo's Kitchen we'll show you the mystical & cultural origins of certain diasporic dishes/herbs.Rain Barrel WorkshopFebruary 4 (LINK)A how-to workshop on the benefits and use of a rain barrel and take a rain barrel home!Church in the Wild PanelFebruary 5 (LINK)A panel highlighting the use of nature as a resource for spirituality and religion.Harriet HikeFebruary 11 (LINK)An interpretive hike and discussion on rest as a means of survival from the colonial world.Araminta: A New Narrative of Harriet TubmanFebruary 13 (LINK)Come and learn our narrative of Harriet ARAMINTA Tubman from the inside-out!Urban Bushcraft WorkshopFebruary 18 (LINK)Go off-the-grid with us as we make our own wood utensils in the Old-growth forest.Black Friday: Networking EventFebruary 24 (LINK)A networking event for Black professionals in the environmental and agriculture fields.Harriet HikeFebruary 25 (LINK)An interpretive hike and Harriet Tubman portrayal.
Help us improve our work, Take our survey!
Share your feedback regarding our programming, events, and more from 2022 for your chance to win WAWA swag and other prizes from local businesses. Prizes include 2-$50 grocery gift cards, a WAWA sweatshirt, zero waste gear from Fort Negrita, a local produce basket from Patchwork City Farms, and more! The opportunity to complete the survey has been EXTENDED to March 10, complete the survey today!
Black History Month at WAWA
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Jan 30 - Feb 5

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon - Fri. Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Wed Feb 1, 6:15pm. NPU-S Land Use Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
- all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
- all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
- and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
Karen Babino, Chair: 770-912-3922 cell
The Land Use Committee meets every 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm- Video:
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798 - One tap mobile +13126266799,,99268781798#
- Phone: 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 992 6878 1798
- Thu Feb 2, 6:00pm. NPU-S Policy Committee meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to the citywide Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board;
- all matters related to the NPU's official policies and positions on internal, citywide, and regional issues;
- and all matters related to the relationship of the NPU with its neighboring NPUs, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
Kyle Lamont, Chair:
The Policy Committee meets every 2nd Thursday at 6:00pm:- Video:
Meeting ID: 868 4109 3770 - Phone: 1 646 558 8656 US
Meeting ID: 868 4109 3770
(One tap mobile +16465588656\,\,86841093770#)
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Wed Feb 1, 7:00pm. NPU-R. Remote:
Meeting ID: 835 9503 7850
One tap mobile dial: +16465588656,,83595037850#
NPU R is comprised of the neighborhoods of- Adams Park
- Campbellton Road
- Fort Valley
- Greenbriar
- Laurens Valley
- Pamond Park
- Southwest
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!Connection info for today's OCCO meeting
Oakland City Community Organization is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 2023 Oakland City Community Organization Meeting
Time: Jan 28, 2023 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Fourth Sat, 10 occurrence(s)
Jan 28, 2023 10:30 AM
Feb 25, 2023 10:30 AM
Mar 25, 2023 10:30 AM
Apr 22, 2023 10:30 AM
May 27, 2023 10:30 AM
Jun 24, 2023 10:30 AM
Jul 22, 2023 10:30 AM
Aug 26, 2023 10:30 AM
Sep 23, 2023 10:30 AM
Oct 28, 2023 10:30 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting password 30310
Meeting ID: 841 1610 8545
Passcode: 30310
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,84116108545#,,,,*30310# US (New York)
+13017158592,,84116108545#,,,,*30310# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
Meeting ID: 841 1610 8545
Passcode: 30310
Find your local number:
Jobs and Career Opportunities in your Community
Atlanta Publics Schools District 2 Virtual Community Meeting: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 @6:30pm
Join your District 2 Representative, Aretta Baldon for a virtual community meeting happening Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 6:30pm.
All stakeholders are welcomed to attend (parents, teachers, students, staff, community members, and partners). This meeting is an opportunity to provide needed feedback and collaboration to continue moving District 2 forward.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
A Conversation with New Zone 4 Command - Jan 26, 8:30am
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Jan 23 - Jan 29

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon-Fri. Yard Trimmings NOT Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Wed Jan 25, 7:00pm. Assistant Services Committee Meeting. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to special programs and services for senior citizens, including but not limited to housing and home repairs, financial assistance programs, and social services;
- all matters related to education, including but not limited to primary and secondary education, adult education, parent-teacher relationships, and after-school programs and activities;
- and all matters related to the youth of the NPU.
Dial In: +1 646 558 8656 Access Code: 894 7574 6987# - Thu Jan 26, 7:00pm. Cascade Ave Neighborhood Organization (CANO) (Hybrid). VICARS, 834 Cascade Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 979 8722 6201
Call In 312-626-6799, access code, 97987226201# - Sat Jan 28, 10:30am. Oakland City Community Organization (OCCO). Metropolitan Library, 1332 Metropolitan Pkwy SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA.
Join Zoom Meeting: Passcode: 30310
One tap mobile +13017158592,,83039203137#,,,,*30310#
Or dial: +1 301 715 8592
Enter Meeting ID: 830 3920 3137
Enter Passcode: 30310 - Sat Jan 28, 4:30pm. Lorenzo Drive Neighborhood Association. Covers Lorenzo Drive and nearby roads.
Meets via Phone: (978) 990-5162 Access Code: 6673530#
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
No events on calendar
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
- Wed Jan 25, 5:30pm. Ft. Mac Community Engagement Subcommittee Meeting. 2148 Newnan St, Atlanta, GA 30344, USA.
- Sat Jan 28, 10:00am. APAB General meeting. Zoom, register at
Fort Mac LRA Community Engagement Meeting January 25, 2023 - New location
BeltLine Business Solutions Office
Rain Barrel Workshop
West Atlanta Watershed Alliance and the Chattahoochee Riverkeeper have partnered to provide information and a how-to on the benefits and use of a rain barrel in your home. The workshop will begin with an overview of the community and residential benefits of water management and conclude with an installation demonstration If you live in a single family home you are able to install a rain barrel, and we will show you how! Please fill out the form below to receive a barrel and kit at our workshop on February 4, 2023 from 12-2p. If you register and cannot attend please reach back out to Janelle Wright at janelle@wawa-online.
After registering here, please fill out this form. Rain barrels are first come, first serve, with priority given to community residents.
The rain barrel workshop will be held a the Outdoor Activity Center at 1442 Richland Rd. SW Atlanta, GA 30310.
Rain barrel pick-up is at the Historic Hartnett Community Garden at 1401 Bridges Avenue. After the workshop we will drive to this location to distribute the rain barrels for you to take home.
Filming at Cut Rate Box (1100 Murphy) - Jan 24-25
Contact name on set | Grant Kennedy |
Contact number on set | 6785388164 |
NPU-S General Meeting *tomorrow*, Thursday Jan 19, 7pm
This Thursday the 19th will be our NPU General Meeting for January 2023, held, as always, on the third Thursday of the month, 7pm to 9pm.
This is a HYBRID meeting! We will be meeting both in person and online.
To register, either go online to or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
If you are attending via Zoom you must register with a valid email address! The registration system will send you an email with your personal link to the meeting.
You can call into the meeting if you wish to attend without using Zoom. To attend the meeting by phone, call (646) 558 8656, meeting ID 993 2987 4388. We encourage phone attendees to also register!
In person:
This month we'll have one voting item, a zoning variance for a proposed cell tower:
- V-22-185: Variance to increase the transitional height plane from 111.3 feet to 150 feet to install a telecommunications facility. 1445 Campbellton Road SW
- October 20 18, 7-9pm
- Where: VICARS, 838 Cascade Rd SW
- Agenda and supporting docs:
Ft. Mac LRA January meeting dates
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Jan 16 - Jan 22

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Remember - all solid waste pickups will be delayed one day this week.
- Mon - Fri. Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Thu Jan 19, 7:00pm. NPU-S General Meeting. 838 Cascade Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA. Our monthly community meeting! Find out what's happening in your neighborhood and let the City know what you think.
To attend over videoconferencing, you must register beforehand at
Otherwise, you can call in at
Phone: (646) 558 8656
Meeting ID: 993 2987 4388
Supporting documents, including the agenda, can be found at - Sat Jan 21, 10:00am. Westridge-Sandtown Community Organization Meeting.
- Meeting ID: 88232292995
- Phone: 301 715 8592 Meeting id: 88232292995
- Meeting ID: 88232292995
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Wed Jan 18, 7:00pm. NPU-I. Zoom - To join the remote meeting, click here. Dial-In: 301-715-8592, access code, 92613332610#. Meeting ID: 926 1333 2610 Passcode: 905252.
NPU I is comprised of the neighborhoods of:- Audobon Forest
- Audobon Forest West
- Beecher Hills
- Cascade Heights
- Chalet Woods
- Collier Heights
- East Ardley Road
- Florida Heights
- Green Acres Valley
- Green Forest Acres
- Harland Terrace
- Horseshoe Community
- Ivan Hill
- Magnum Manor
- Peyton Forest
- West Manor
- Westhaven
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
- Thu Jan 19, 1:00pm. Ft. Mac LRA Board of Directors Meeting. 1794 Walker Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA.
- Sat Jan 21, 10:00am. APAB General meeting. Zoom, register at
Trees Atlanta Junior Treekeeper Camp Scholarships Available

Junior TreeKeeper Summer Camp 2023We offer fun and energetic ways for youth grades 1 to 6 to learn about their natural world and explore the outdoors. Fall, winter, and spring camps, as well as summer camp, are aligned with Atlanta Public Schools (APS) teacher workdays and school holidays.
- May 30 – July 28, 2023
- Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
- Before Care: 7:30 – 8:30am (additional fee)
- After Care: 3:15 – 5:30pm (additional fee)
During camp, each day is a new adventure! Campers will spend time doing hands-on activities in environmental science, exploring the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum, playing games, creating art, and biking each day on the Atlanta BetlLine. It's fun to make new friends and learn about the importance of our urban forest.Camp is offered in 8, one-week sessions and is for campers that will be rising 1st – 6th graders. Campers bike every day throughout the Atlanta BeltLine Arboretum and visit local parks.
Scholarships are available for one-week sessions. Click here to apply.We would love to welcome as many of our new neighbors as possible into camp. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.
- Applications are open now until all available scholarships are awarded. Applications are reviewed and awarded starting on January 15th.
- The regular cost for a week of camp is $295 and scholarships can be 100% (applicant has a $25 registration fee); 50% or 25% discount
Related – we are currently hiring for staff for our summer camp and you can find those opportunities (and others) here.
Soon we will also be on the lookout for participants in our Junior Intern Program for rising 7th – 12th graders.
NPU-S Calendar of Events: Jan 9 - Jan 15

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon-Fri. Yard Trimmings NOT Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.
Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual. - Mon Jan 9, 6:30pm. Bush Mountain Community Organization. Videoconference:
Call in: +1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 837 2964 9966 - Mon Jan 9, 7:00pm. Beecher Hills Community Association. BUZZ Coffee and Winehouse, 2315 Cascade Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA. Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 966 9795 6397
Dial-In646-558-8656, access code,96697956397# - Tue Jan 10, 6:30pm. Graymont Drive Neighborhood Association.
- Online:
- Phone: 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 890 5759 4466
- Thu Jan 12, 6:30pm. NPU-S Quality of Life Committee Meeting.
This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to social services, health care, police, and fire protection;
- all matters related to recreation, parks, libraries, and cultural affairs;
- and all matters related to a pleasant and healthful environment, including, but not limited to: sanitary services, water and sewer facilities and services, and noise quality.
The Quality of Life Committee meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm- Video:
- Phone: 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 831 2712 2349
- Sat Jan 14, 10:00am. WAWA: Service Saturdays. Outdoor Activity Center, 1442 Richland Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA. Registration required: WAWA 404 752 5385
- Sun Jan 15, 4:45pm. Executive Committee meeting. The NPU is guided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Officers, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and a representative for each qualifying Neighborhood Organization.
The Executive Committee meets every second Sunday of the month at 4:45 pm.- Video:
Meeting ID: 995 3158 9760 - Phone: 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 995 3158 9760
- Video:
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Mon Jan 9, 7:00pm. NPU-V. (location varies).
NPU V comprises the neighborhoods of- Adair Park
- Capitol Gateway
- Mechanicsville
- Peoplestown
- Pittsburgh
- Summerhill
Meeting ID: 992 1132 0112
Dial-In 646-558-8656, access code, 99211320112# - Wed Jan 11, 7:00pm. NPU-T. Lee & White Street Community Room, 1000 White St SW. NPU T Comprises the neighborhoods of
- Ashview Heights
- Atlanta University Center
- Harris Chiles
- Just Us
- The Villages at Castleberry Hill
- West End
- Westview
Meeting ID: 881 8388 4978 Password: 144796
Or call: 16465588656,,88183884978#
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!Executive Committee Meeting Post POSTPONED to Sunday 1/15 4:45pm
NPU-S's Executive Committee meeting has been postponed by one week to Sunday, January 15, 2023. For more information, contact Nick Hess at
Partial MARTA Red Line Suspension, Feb. 17-22, 2023
MARTA is preparing for the next major project in our ongoing Track Replacement program. In February 2023, we will replace the double crossover on our Red Line tracks north of Buckhead station. This will require suspending Red Line service south of Medical Center station.
The shutdown will last from 9 p.m. Friday, February 17, until the end of service Wednesday, February 22. Reduced frequency Red Line service to the Airport resumes Thursday, February 23. Full service will be restored Sunday, February 26.
Customers should allow up to 30 minutes of extra travel time. MARTA is planning to promote the following travel alternatives:A virtual meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, January 10, 2023, to share more information about this project and answer any questions from our transit partners, business organizations, major employers, and other stakeholders. Click here to access the virtual meeting, or call 1-301-715-8592 and use webinar ID: 833 1276 1158.
- Local and express bus shuttles will serve Lenox, Buckhead, and Medical Center stations.
- The MARTA Connect program will provide $10 vouchers for Uber and Lyft rides to and from affected stations.
- MARTA Mobility paratransit service will be free between the affected stations.
- Customers who usually drive and park at northern Red Line stations will be encouraged to consider driving to Gold Line stations to minimize delays.
- Customers can use The Buc on-demand transportation service to reach destinations around its Buckhead service area during its weekday hours of operation (