Sponsored by the City of Atlanta Code Enforcement Commission. Free to City of Atlanta residents!
Learn about how code enforcement works, discover your role in it, fight blight, and become a community ambassador!
The Code Enforcement Commission partners to implement a Code Enforcement Training Academy to empower City of Atlanta residents with knowledge surrounding code enforcement and the law through various departments. The City of Atlanta Code Enforcement Academy Training program will provide participants with knowledge of core job functions through classroom instruction and educate members of the community on departmental structure, premise violations, substandard structures, 3-1-1 overview and community partnerships.
All sessions will be held at the City of Atlanta Fire Rescue Training Academy
407 Ashwood Ave, SW
Atlanta, GA, 30315
9:00 a.m. to Noon
August 24: APD Code Enforcement, ATL311
September 7: Dept. of Public Works
September 21: Office of Buildings: Zoning, Permits, Licenses
October 5: Dept. of Watershed Management, Fire Rescue
October 19: The Court System
Register by August 2, 2019 (Fall Course limited to 60 participants)
City of Atlanta residency required. Attach proof of residency to paper application or email to codeacademy@atlantaga.gov
Paper Application (Complete & return)
Electronic Application
Application also available at the Office of Municipal Clerk and City of Atlanta Parks & Recreation centers.
Applications can be submitted electronically, via email, or returned to the address below.
City of Atlanta
Office of Municipal Clerk
55 Trinity Avenue, SW
Suite 2700
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
For questions, email codeacademy@atlantaga.gov, call 404-546-4982, or visit