APS GO Teams

Get involved with your school's GO Team!

GO Teams will be holding their organizational meetings between now and early September. This meeting will be to fill vacancies and open seats, elect officers, appoint representatives, set meeting norms, establish a public comment protocol and determine the GO Team meeting calendar for 2023-2024. Please check the school's website for meeting information.

All GO Teams have 2 open seats - a Community Seat and the Swing Seat.  If you are interested in being a member of the GO Team, we recommend reaching out to the principal to let them know of your interest in participating on the GO Team. You may also submit your information in our Community Interest form. This information is available to principals upon request.

GO Teams are responsible for setting and monitoring the school's Strategic Plan. Tune into GO Team meetings to hear data reports, progress updates, and general information about your schools!

We hope to see you this year!


Community Interest Data Bank

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