NPU-S June meeting will be held at Rudolph Smith
Building (825 Cascade) across from Vicars.
Hooker, MILRA Director is providing an update regarding plans for Ft.
McPherson and surrounding communities at our June 18th meeting. This
update is important for the community because:
- MILRA paid the Urban Land Institute (UTI) to do a comprehensive community study and those finding will be released the day before our Thursday meeting.
- MILRA is accepting bid for a company to perform an LCI for the area. Residents should be aware that a LCI study is planned for the area. A description of the bid can be found on MILRA's website.
- Mr. Hooker will share Mr. Perry's plans for the land he has purchased and when the sale will actually be final.
encourage friends and neigbors to
attend the next NPU-S meeting this Thursday, June 18 at 7pm at Rudolph Smith
Building (825 Cascade) across from Vicars.