

(Approved September 21, 2023)



Neighborhood Planning Unit "S" (hereafter referred to as NPU-S) is hereby established for the purpose of advising the City of Atlanta, including the Mayor, Council, and any Department or official of the City, on all matters affecting the environment, the well-being of the residents, and the general livability of the neighborhoods within NPU-S. Such recommendations and advice may cover, but not be limited to: land use; zoning; housing; community facilities; human resources; social and recreational programs; traffic and transportation; environment; open spaces and parks; and City services. Recommendations and advice will provide the formal input into the Comprehensive Development Plan and Budget for the City, and will assist City agencies in determining priority needs for the NPU. Recommendations and advice may also be given to other public and private agencies on any matter affecting the general livability of NPU-S. In general, the NPU will provide a means by which information concerning the operation of City government can be provided to the citizens and a means by which citizen input can be provided to the City government. 


The boundaries of NPU-S are defined by the city as follows: 

The northern boundary of the NPU begins at the intersection of Beecher Road SW & Beecher Circle SW, continues east on Beecher Street, then southeast along the railroad right of way between Donnelly Avenue and White Street, across the CSX railroad tracks on Lee Street, and ends just east of where University Avenue dead-ends. 

The eastern boundary begins just southeast of the intersection of Allene Avenue SW and Woodrow Street SW, continues northwest to Sylvan Road SW, proceeds south along Avon Avenue SW to the CSX railroad tracks, then continues south along the tracks until the southern edge of Fort McPherson. 

The southern boundary begins at the southeast comer of Fort McPherson, continues west and north along the Fort McPherson property until Campbellton Road SW, then follows Campbellton Road to Centra Villa Drive SW. 

The western boundary begins at the intersection of Campbellton Road and Central Villa Drive, proceeds north along Centra Villa to Cascade Road SW, then follows Cascade Road west until just past Beecher Road SW, continues north around the Ashmel Estates subdivision and then follows east along a line just north of the Beecher Road/Mount Airy Drive fork until just east of Highview Road, where it turns north and ends at the intersection of Beecher Road and Beecher Circle. 



Any persons 18 years of age or older, whose primary place of residence is within NPU-S or who operates or represents a corporation (S-Corp, LLS, Inc.), institution, organization or agency which owns property or has a place of business or profession within NPU-S is eligible for membership in NPU-S. 

Neighborhood Associations

The organization and success of NPU-S relies on active neighborhood associations.

  1. Active neighborhood associations shall be consulted on any use, zoning, and all other matters arising within that neighborhood prior to the matters reviewed by the NPU-S.
  2. To be a “recognized active community association” an organization must:
    1. Reside partially or entirely within NPU-S;
    2. Meet at least twice a year; and,
    3. Have a written set of procedures and organizational structure for the organization. These should be delivered to the Secretary of NPU-S no later than August 1 of each year.
  3. Active neighborhood associations should submit copies of meeting minutes to the Chairperson of NPU-S.
  4. A list of the currently recognized active community associations is available and any other neighborhood group shall be considered that meets the guidelines for an active community association as stated in the by-laws.


Meeting Dates and Frequency

The NPU-S shall meet at least four times annually or more often at the call of the Chair or a majority of the Executive Committee. The meeting shall be held at a location within the boundaries of NPU-S. These regular meetings shall be on the third Thursday of each month. 


The Executive Committee shall determine the agenda for the meeting. Any member can request that an item be placed on the agenda by contacting the Chair. The agenda shall be distributed through the NPU-S mailing list prior to the meeting. If a member requests that an item be placed on the agenda, and the agenda has already been determined for the next meeting, then that item will be considered under "New Business" on the agenda. 

Notification of Action

Any item regarding land use, zoning, and housing shall require notification from the Office of Planning regarding affected property owners prior to any action and/or vote by NPU-S. Any presentations of new businesses requiring a license or permit from the City of Atlanta must first be vetted through the Office of Planning. The Office of Planning will send an application for the Chair and Executive Board to review prior to allowing a presentation and subsequent voting at NPU-S meeting. 


Any presentations that are given at a NPU-S meeting shall not exceed 5 minutes and Q/A period will be limited to 2 minutes per Presenter. The Chair of the NPU-S has the authority to allot more time as needed. 

Notification of Cancellation

Meetings cancelled due to inclement weather, members shall be notified via NPU-S website, Twitter, email and phone calls. Notification of cancellations will be the shared responsibility of the Executive Committee. 

Prohibition of Political Forums

NPU-S meetings shall not be used for political forums or campaigning for city, state, or federal elections.



At all meetings, any person who operates or represents a corporation, organization, institution, or agency which operates or owns property or has a place of business or profession within NPU-S may designate one person as its voting representative. Such a designated representative shall have one vote. 


No person shall have more than one (1) vote. 

Attendance Requirements

Each person, after attending three (3) meetings within the prior twelve (12) months and whose primary residence is within the NPU-S shall be eligible to vote. The Executive Committee shall have the power to request proof of residency of any citizen qualified to vote.

  1. Personal residency may be established by showing a Georgia Driver's license, a Georgia state issued ID, or other documentation establishing residency such as a lease or power bill.
  2. Property ownership may be established via Fulton county property record or tax record
  3. Businesses or organizational residency may be established via a valid business license issued by the City of Atlanta, or current corporate registration from the Georgia Secretary of State.


The presence of ten (10) eligible voting members shall constitute a quorum. All actions of NPU-S shall be by majority vote of those present. Proxies will not be accepted. Voting will be conducted by show of hands and/or ballot.



There is hereby created an Executive Committee for NPU-S that shall conduct all business of the NPU between meetings of the membership. 


The membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the NPU, one representative from each of the recognized active community associations, and chairpersons of each standing committee. 

Attendance Requirements

Members must attend at least six (6) meetings in the preceding twelve months to qualify for an Executive Committee position. 

Duties and Functions

The Executive Committee shall have the following duties and functions: 

  1. To advise interested persons and agencies in City government with respect to concerns of NPU-S.
  2. To form Ad Hoc committees as needed to investigate and report specific concerns of NPU-S.
  3. To speak on behalf of NPU-S to the City or to any City Department or official on any matter upon which NPU-S can speak within general policy guidelines established by NPU-S at its meeting.
  4. To determine the agenda for regular meetings of NPU-S

Meeting Dates and Frequency

The Executive Committee shall meet at least four times a year. Additional Executive Committee meetings may be called by the Chair or at the request of any Executive Committee member. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five members present. Executive Committee members must attend at least four meetings per year. 


The Executive Committee shall advise the City of Atlanta, including the Mayor, Council, and any Department or official of the City, all matters that may affect the environment and the well-being of the residents, and the general livability of the neighborhood, as defined by the Bureau of Planning and Development and approved by the City. 

Vacancies on the Committee

Whenever any vacancy occurs, the Executive Committee may select a person to fill such vacancy until the next meeting of NPU-S. The person selected by the Executive Committee to fill the vacancy shall be considered a nominee for the position. The vacant position shall be filled by election at the next meeting of NPU-S. 


Executive Committee members are expected to seek and convey the consensus of the communities that they represent on matters that are brought before the Executive Committee.



There shall be five (5) elected officers of NPU-S: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, and Financial Secretary. Officers serve two-year terms (24 months). No person may serve for more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office of NPU-S unless a vote of two-thirds majority members present and eligible to vote at the election meeting votes to extend a term.


The duties of the Chairperson shall be the following: 

  1. To preside over all meetings of NPU-S and all Executive Committee meetings.
  2. To call meetings of NPU-S and meetings of the Executive Committee.
  3. To appoint Ad Hoc committees.
  4. To ensure that NPU-S is represented on the Atlanta Planning Advisory Board.
  5. To oversee the election of chairpersons to Standing Committees.
  6. To certify and record organized community groups for representation on the Executive Committee.
  7. To submit annually NPU-S bylaws to the appropriate City Department or official annually.
  8. To maintain meeting attendance records, accurate records of monthly meetings and voting actions taken. Duplicate records will be maintained by Recording Secretary
  9. To facilitate required actions in the course of completing task relevant to NPU-S daily operations.
  10. To assist Financial Secretary in maintaining accurate NPU-S bank account and serve as first signer to account.


The duties of the Vice-Chairperson shall be the following: 

  1. To preside at meetings of NPU-S or its Executive Committee in the absence of the Chairperson.
  2. In the absence of the Chairperson, to act as Chairperson of NPU-S and chairperson of its Executive Committee.
  3. To act as NPU-S’s representative at APAB meetings, unless otherwise delegated to another member of the Executive Committee.

Recording Secretary

The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be the following: 

  1. To ensure that the minutes of all NPU-S meetings and Executive Committee meetings shall be recorded.
  2. To make the minutes and other records available to members upon request.
  3. In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, to call the Executive Committee meeting to order and preside until the election of a chairperson "pro tern" which should take place immediately.
  4. Maintain meeting attendance records, accurate records of monthly meetings and actions taken.

Assistant Recording Secretary

The duties of the Assistant Recording Secretary shall be the following: 

  1. To serve in the absence of the Recording Secretary.
  2. To provide assistance when requested to the Recording Secretary.

Financial Secretary

The duties of the Financial Secretary shall be the following: 

  1. To serve as the accountant/bookkeeper for the NPU.
  2. To provide accounting/bookkeeping assistance with all grants, and other income.
  3. To lead the fundraising efforts of NPU-S.
  4. Assist Chairperson in maintaining accurate NPU-S bank account and serve as second signer to account.

Removal of Officers

If any officer ceases to be an eligible member of the NPU-S, that person shall be automatically disqualified and the position shall be declared vacant. An officer shall be removed from office if the officer is absent from three consecutive meetings or for continual exhibition of dereliction of duties. Officers shall submit intent to resign from their appointed position in writing to the Chairperson. 



There are hereby established the following Standing Committees with their respective responsibilities: 

  1. Land Use Committee .
    1. This committee shall consider and make recommendations to the NPU upon:
      1. all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
      2. all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
      3. all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
      4. and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
    2. The Land Use Committee will be chaired by the NPU’s Zoning Contact for the city, unless otherwise delegated to another member of the Executive Committee.
  2. Quality of Life Committee
    1. This committee shall consider and make recommendations to the NPU upon:
    1. all matters related to social services, health care, police, and fire protection;
    2. all matters related to recreation, parks, libraries, and cultural affairs;
    3. and all matters related to a pleasant and healthful environment, including, but not limited to: sanitary services, water and sewer facilities and services, and noise quality.
  3. Assistant Services Committee
    1. This committee shall consider and make recommendations to the NPU upon:
      1. all matters related to special programs and services for senior citizens, including but not limited to housing and home repairs, financial assistance programs, and social services;
      2. all matters related to education, including but not limited to primary and secondary education, adult education, parent-teacher relationships, and after-school programs and activities;
      3. and all matters related to the youth of the NPU.
  4. Policy Committee
    1. This committee shall consider and make recommendations to the NPU upon:
      1. all matters related to the citywide Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board;
      2. all matters related to the NPU’s official policies and positions on internal, citywide, and regional issues;
      3. and all matters related to the relationship of the NPU with its neighboring NPUs, neighborhoods, and municipalities.
    2. The Policy Committee will be chaired by the NPU’s APAB representative, unless otherwise delegated to another member of the Executive Committee.

Committee Membership

Any eligible member is invited and encouraged to participate in the deliberations and activities of these standing committees. 


Election Dates and Frequency

Elections of NPU-S officers will be held every two years, on odd-numbered years, at the November meeting of the NPU. Elected officers shall serve beginning in January of the following calendar year.

Nominating Committee

The Chairperson of NPU-S shall create a Nominating Committee (consisting of eligible voting members of NPU-S who have either volunteered or have been appointed by the Chairperson) that will nominate one or more persons to fill each elected position, and will create a slate of officers to be presented to NPU-S body at the November election for vote by eligible NPU-S members. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election by the use of a ballot. Ballots will be counted by the Election Committee and the Chair and/or a member of the Executive Committee. 

Floor Nominations

Nominations for all offices may be received from the floor at the November officer election meeting. Persons making nominations must be members of NPU-S. 


By two-thirds majority vote of all members present, any elected officer may be recalled and disqualified from office for violation of duties as prescribed in these bylaws.

Retention Election

A retention election shall be held on the November meeting of the NPU on even numbered years. This is a vote of confidence for each officer on whether to retain or replace that officer.

No Confidence

Officers who fail to garner fifty percent or more of the retention vote shall be removed from office and the position declared vacant and filled by the Executive Committee under Article V, Section 7.


Via Bylaws Called Meeting

These bylaws may be amended at a meeting of NPU-S, called for this purpose and by a majority vote of those members present. 

Via Successive Meetings

Bylaws can be amended throughout the year based on this procedure: a member can introduce a proposed change during a meeting, the proposed change will be discussed during the next meeting, and the proposed change will be voted on during the following meeting. 

Submission to the City

An updated copy of the bylaws must be submitted to the Bureau of Planning on or before September 30th of each year with bylaws changes effective on January of the following year.

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