NPU-S Events:
- Monday, December 14 - Beecher Hills Community Meeting - 7pm, Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96697956397, Meeting ID: 966 9795 6397. Dial-In: 646-558-8656, access code: 96697956397#.
- Tuesday, December 15 - Beecher-Donnelly Community Association Meeting - 7pm.
- Thursday, December 17 - NPU-S General Meeting, 7pm, Google Hangout. Join Hangout from a web browser: https://meet.google.com/rbh-ptwd-efj or by phone: One tap mobile, or call +1 515-599-7285 PIN: 480 291 570#.
- Saturday, December 19 - OCCO Community Cleanup - 9am, Rev. James Orange Park. Contact Carissa Zedaker at carissasellshouses@gmail.com for more information.
- Saturday, December 19 - Westridge-Sandtown Community Organization Meeting - 10am, Google Hangout. Join Hangout from a web browser: https://meet.google.com/oig-rtct-yhd or by phone: One tap mobile, or call +1 747-202-2723 PIN: 942 081 556#
- Saturday, December 19 - Cascade Ave Neighborhood Organization (CANO) meeting - 5pm, Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Online: https://zoom.us/j/97987226201. Dial-in Number: +1 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 979 8722 6201, Access Code: 97987226201#. Monthly on the fourth Thursday (usually).
- Saturday, December 19 - Lorenzo Drive Neighborhood Block Association Meeting - 5pm.
- Monday, December 14 - NPU-V Monthly Meeting - 7pm, Zoom. https://zoom.us/j/99211320112, Meeting ID: 992 1132 0112; Dial-In 646-558-8656, access code 99211320112#
NPU-V comprises the neighborhoods of- Adair Park
- Capitol Gateway
- Mechanicsville
- Peoplestown
- Pittsburgh
- Summerhill
- Wednesday, December 16 - NPU-I, 7pm, Zoom. To join the remote meeting, click here. Dial-In: 301-715-8592, access code, 92613332610#. Meeting ID: 926 1333 2610 Passcode: 905252. NPU I is comprised of the neighborhoods of:
- Audobon Forest
- Audobon Forest West
- Beecher Hills
- Cascade Heights
- Chalet Woods
- Collier Heights
- East Ardley Road
- Florida Heights
- Green Acres Valley
- Green Forest Acres
- Harland Terrace
- Horseshoe Community
- Ivan Hill
- Magnum Manor
- Peyton Forest
- West Manor
- Westhaven
- Saturday, December 19 - APAB General Meeting, 10am, Zoom. Register in advance for this meeting: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqfuyvqz4sE9aRG-HDEoLldjZtzVXF4uuK. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Dial-In: 646-558-8656, access code, 947 9575 5692#
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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