NPU-S Events:
- Monday, July 8 - ARTlanta Jam Session - 7pm, Stained Gallery (1719 Sayers St). Weekly live band and performances, art, free entry until 9. https://www.facebook.com/events/1790704664368979
- Tuesday, July 9 - Fulton Fresh Market - 1pm, Outdoor Activity Center (1442 Richland Rd). Every week, attendees participate in a 30-minute UGA Extension SNAP-Ed nutrition education food demonstration and then are provided with a free bag of in-season produce from our mobile market.
- Tuesday, July 9 - Graymont Drive Neighborhood Organization - 6:30pm, St. Peter's Missionary Baptist Church (1558 Venetian Dr). Monthly meeting of GDNA, which operates over Graymont, Elizabeth, Lockwood, and Westmont. Contact DionneMoore2015@gmail.com for more information.
- Saturday, July 13 - WAWA Walk with a Doc - 9am, Lionel Hampton Trail (390 Willis Mill Road) Free, registration required. Weekly walk with health professionals, ask questions while getting fit. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
- Saturday, July 13 - WAWA Service Saturdays - 10am, Outdoor Activity Center (1442 Richland Rd SW) Free, registration required. Provides the opportunity for youth 10 years and older to participate in meaningful activities encouraging conservation, stewardship and experiential learning. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
- Saturday, July 13 - Bush Mountain Community Organization - Outdoor Activity Center (1442 Richland Rd SW). Come to the inaugural meeting of the newly reconstituted Bush Mountain Community Organization! For more information, contact Tavius Elder at taviuselder@yahoo.com.
- Sunday, July 14 - NPU-S Executive Committee and Team meetings - assorted times, Metropolitan Library, conference room C. Also available via All are welcome to attend:
- 2:30 pm, Land Use Team - covering zoning, code enforcement, transportation, and related topics. For more information contact land@npu-s.org.
- 3:00 pm, Assistant Services Team - covering education, senior services, and related topics. Administers the senior lawncare program. For more information contact assistant@npu-s.org.
- 3:15 pm, Quality of Life Team - covering public safety and human development, arts and recreation, and environmental issues. For more information contact quality@npu-s.org
- 4:45, Executive Committee - reviews and updates the upcoming public meeting agenda, sets NPU policy. For more information contact chair@npu-s.org
External Events:
- Monday, July 8 - NPU-V Meeting - Georgia Hill Neighborhood Center (250 Georgia Avenue SE). NPU-V encompasses the communities of Mechanicsville, Summerhill, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Adair Park, and Capitol Gateway.
- Wednesday, July 10 - Summer Dialog: 2019 Tax Assessments - 6pm, Metropolitan Library (1332 Metropolitan Pkwy SW). Constituents will receive important information about initiatives and county services from Commissioner Arrington and Fulton County department heads. Representatives from the Tax Assessors’ office will be on hand to answer taxpayer questions and share information with constituents.
- Wednesday, July 10 - NPU-T Meeting - 7pm, Absalom Jones Center (807 Atlanta Student Movement Blvd SW). NPU-T encompasses the communities of Ashview Heights, Atlanta University Center, Harris Chiles, Just Us, Castleberry Hill, West End, and Westview. Please note, this is a different location from the regular meeting space.
- Saturday, July 13 - Atlanta Technical College Registration Event - 9am-2pm, Atlanta Technical College (1560 Metropolitan Parkway).
- Saturday, July 13 - Joint Beltline/West End LCI meeting - 9am, Herman Russeell Center, 508 Fair St. The City of Atlanta Department of City Planning and The Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. have teamed up to coordinate two planning efforts The West End Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) and Atlanta BeltLine Subarea 1 Plan update. Collectively, these plans will reflect the community’s vision and today’s market conditions, while incorporating an action-oriented implementation plan. For more information: https://beltline.org/event/southwest-study-group-public-meeting-14-2/
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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