SPACE still available! TEEN High School Citizens Police Academy

Hello everyone,

We still have space available for the Teen Citizen's Police Academy summer camp for High School students. This is a 5 day FREE summer camp with lunch provided. The APD TEEN Citizen's Academy educates our young people in the operations and practices of your Atlanta Police Department.

The Teen Academy will be offered Monday-Friday from 9am-3pm, June 10-14, 2024 with instruction being delivered both in class at Public Safety HQ and on field trips.

Each teen must write a brief paragraph on why they want to participate.

The application can be accessed at THIS LINK. Please share with your networks! Apply early as we will have limited spots. Any questions, let me know.

Thank you!

Elizabeth Espy
Director of Community Engagement and Events
Internship Coordinator
Community Services Division
Atlanta Police Department

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